A Thanksgiving Mahalo for Plants

Hau’oli Lā Ho’omaika’i!  We at Kauai Seascapes Nursery are thankful for so many things!  We thought we would share a fun blog with you about PLANTS that we are thankful to have in our lives for various reasons.  Each of us are plant-loving individuals so it was very difficult to narrow down to just one single plant. We hope our crew's choices will entertain you!

Read on for our responses when posed with the question, "What plant are you thankful for having in your life?"


Karen is appreciating Tulsi-Holy Basil.  Tulsi Basil boosts the immune system and relieves pain in general.  It's a great natural, stress-reliever!  "It also makes an awesome tea, no need add sugar!"  Karen knows best!  We all can learn a lot from Auntie Karen's Medicine Chest.


Danielle wants to give a Mahalo to the Kula Gardenia. She says that right now they are blooming in the Nursery and the smell is just too good not to notice and give thanks for.


Jody is grateful for Margie's Succulent Planters.  She says that they are "a beautiful work of art." She also said that she would be beyond thankful if she was ever gifted one. ;)


Mike appreciates the Aloe plant.  He is grateful that it can heal your skin when you have a sunburn and he likes to make a tasty drink out of it too! Try some blended with coconut water, mint, and cucumber for a refreshing, gut healthy beverage.


Dane's gratitude goes out to Kalo. He loves to eat Kalo for sure but also uses it for medicinal purposes. He says you can use the 'Ha' sap to help stop bleeding and promote wound healing. His favorite way to eat it is by steaming it in the instant pot. First he cleans it and scrapes off the skin and then leaves it whole to steam. Best to let it steam for at least 45 min.  He says the stickier the better. Dane's favorite variety is Apuwai which can be grown in both dryland and wetland lo'i.


Mary is in love with Anthuriums. Not just because they are beautiful and come in just about every color, but because they are so low maintenance!


Roxanne is thankful for Roses.  "Roses come in different colors and sizes and they smell so nice!"  Roxanne appreciates the roses at the nursery no matter the time of year.  On many occasion Roxanne will wistfully proclaim, "I wish I could just work on the roses!"   We are thankful for Roxanne's attention to her most-cherished plant.


Spencer says dhanyavaad (which Google tells me means "thank you" in India) to the India native Golden Shower Tree.  Spencer admires the cascading blooms and also thinks the trees are fun to climb!


Robin is beholden to Trees for a simple reason... oxygen. She doesn't have a particular favorite. All trees are important to her and have a special place in her heart... and lungs.


Rob pays tribute to Adenium obesum aka Desert Rose.  He loves them for the simple reason that they are super easy to care for. You can leave them outside, don't have to water them and they always look good in the garden or in a pot. Plus they bloom regularly so they make a great gift as well.


Henry sings praises of Ni'oi aka Hawaiian Chili Pepper.  He uses the spicy little red chili's everyday! Henry cuts them up and adds it to soups, or savory dishes. The tried and true local method of enjoying it is to make chili pepper water. You can add it to any dish for a spicy pick me up.


Katherine is thankful for the Kupukupu Fern.  She says, " because it's great at covering the ground, is low maintenance, and can handle all kinds of growing conditions. Plus, you don't have to weed where it grows. It's also beautiful and a native!" So many reasons to love Kupukupu.


Steve expresses his gratitude for the Tomato plant.  Why?  "They make tomatoes and tomatoes are GREAT!"  (Steve's answer made me want to incorporate tomatoes into our Thanksgiving dinner blog) "Thanksgiving Recipes From the Garden".


Serina's gratitude for Orchids is evident at the nursery.  “They are colorful and fun to have both indoors and out.  It is so exciting when they re-bloom!”  You can find them in the orchid arbor or mounted around the nursery by the sales desk. I think it's safe to say all the employees get excited over a new bloom!

Would you like to comment on our blog with the plant you are most grateful for this Thanksgiving and why?

We would so love to hear from you!  Cheers to a very Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving Recipes From the Garden!


Holly's Orchard