Yoga of [Photo]Synthesis :: A Plant Guide to the Four Yoga Paths

Plants have had spiritual significance to humans for thousands of years. Feng shui teaches thatbamboo brings wealth while the peace lily brings compassion. With plants now used foreverything from their look in landscape, their taste in the garden, and with their smell in extracts,plants of all kinds play an important role in our lives.

In yogic philosophy, there are four main paths known as the Yoga of Synthesis that help guideyogis to the truth: Bhakti Yoga (devotion), Karma Yoga (action), Jnana Yoga (knowledge) RajaYoga (enlightenment). Below are plants available at the nursery that inspire me to connect tothe deeper elements within myself to practice different techniques among the four main paths ofyoga.

Song of India ( Draceana Reflexa)

For thousands of years, yogis have practiced kirtan, an ancient practice of Bhakti Yoga , or theyoga of devotion. In Sanskrit, the word kirtan means “to cut through”; thus, kirtan is a practicethat cuts through the idea of separation and connects us to the divine through sound. Aworld-renowned mantra singer named Deva Premal says “In kirtan, we sing our praises to thedivine in the many forms in which it manifests.” She goes on to say that the mantras recited inkirtan are a sound formula that have specific focus and energy.

In kirtan, mantras are repeated in song to guide the mind to a place of peace, away from theexcessive chatter. Because kirtan is also often enjoyed by a group of people, it brings the unionor “yoke” to the world of yoga through the connection of the healing sound. A popular mantra“Om Mani Padme Hum” is simple, yet effective, to recite. It helps us expand our ability to havekindness to ourselves and to others. The mantra helps us increase compassion, and, in turn, wehave a better sense of enjoyment and fulfillment in our lives.

The Song of India or Draceana Reflexa plant is native to islands of the Indian Ocean. It is a slowgrowing plant that can be used as a table plant, bush, or short tree. It normally grows between12 to 18 feet tall and 3 to 8 feet wide. It is a low maintenance plant that enjoys part-shade, so itis great as a container or house plant. Because the Song of India is a happy indoor plant, itcould be the perfect addition to a meditation altar or anywhere in your home that may inspireyou to recite sanskrit mantra or your own versions of affirmation chants. The Song of India is thephysical plant form of a yogic practice created to share love through sound.

Bleeding Heart Vine (Clerodendrum Thomsoniae)

The Bleeding Heart Vine reminds me of the many postures in yoga that open the heart throughchest openers and backbends, especially Melting Heart Pose or Anahatasana. Anahata meansheart and asana means post so Anahatasana means heart pose. The pose is practiced bycoming to your hands and knees until your arms slide forward on your mat to your point ofcomfort to find either the chin or the forehead resting on the mat with the heart energeticallypulling forward.

It is poses of this nature that encourage us to have open-heartedness in our lives outside of themat through Karma Yoga . Karma means “action” so this path of yoga is the practice of actionwithout attachment to the outcome. Oftentimes, Karma Yoga is referred to as “doing the rightthing” in following dharma, or purpose whilst accepting what comes, without expectation ofrecognition or reward.

The Bleeding Heart Vine or Clerodendrum Thomsoniae is a species of flowering plant native totropical West Africa. Though it is often used to cover fence rows or as a hedge, it isnon-invasive. It typically grows to 4 meters tall. The Bleeding Heart Vine could be the greataddition to home or business landscaping as a reminder to give value to the present moment inaction through karma yoga.

Holy Basil (Ocimum Tenuiflorum)

The Holy Basil Plant has had spiritual and medicinal significance in India for thousands of years.The plant aids in digestive and respiratory health and has been used as an antibiotic andanti-cancerous herb. Most of all, the Holy Basil plant is known to increase the power ofconcentration; hence, it is a great tool for journeying in the path of Jnana Yoga , the science ofmental control through meditation.

Ultimately, Jnana seeks to bring the yogi to meditation practice by turning physical and mentalenergy into focused spiritual energy. Because our minds are so often cluttered, it is helpful tohave an herb nearby to help facilitate a meditative atmosphere. It is also said that wearing atulsi mala can help clear ones aura and make him find peace, strength, and stillness in life.

The Holy Basil plant is commonly known as Tulsi or Tulasi. It is native to the Indiansubcontinent. It is an aromatic herb that is great in booth cooking and essential oils. It requiresan ample amount of pruning, sunlight, and water to thrive. Though this particular plant may needregular attention, its mere presence near a home is known to bring forth health and prosperity.

Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia)

A much larger plant than the last three examples is the Angel’s Trumpet tree, Brugmansia. It isthe perfect reflection of the combination of all paths for Raja Yoga , or the royal path. Thewisdom referred to in this description is the ability to have integrated and mastered the previouspaths so that Raja Yoga may lead the yogi to a union with their higher self. Moreover, this yogapath allows a person to see their true nature. In our true nature, we may dissolve the veil thatkeeps us from what we consider to be the divine. The Angel’s Trumpet gives me a feeling ofawe and wonder when I admire it. It is plants like this one that help me realize myexpansiveness.

In the evening, this tree has 6 to 10 inch fragrant blooms. The tree itself often grows to 20 feettall and 20 feet wide. It is a woody tree or shrub with large, beautiful flowers that hangupside-down, which resembles the bell of a trumpet. At the nursery, this plant is available in thecolors of white, pink, and peach.

Mahatma Ghandi once said “Truth is one, paths are many”. Though plants grow in differentways with different needs along the way, their existence is intertwined and connected all alongthe way. In the same way, there are many different paths in yoga but they all guide to the truth,this is the essence of the Yoga of Synthesis.

This blog was written by Abigail Naaykens.


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