Lemon & Lime

Lime, Tahitian-Also known as ‘Bearss Lime’ is a medium sized, vigorous tree that bears fruit about ten months of the year. The fruit is seedless, juicy and a prolific, dependable bearer.

Lime, Calamodin-Small upright and bushy tree with many attractive, bright orange small fruits all through the year. Flesh is orange, tart and very juicy. Use as you would a lime.

Lime, Kaffir-Grown for it’s aromatic leaves which are finely cut and used in many Asian dishes. The rind can be grated and used with the leaves in cooking Asian dishes.

Improved Meyer Lemon-Unique mild, juicy flavor and its almost year round fruit production; Fruits are large and round with smooth thin skin. It is such a heavy producer that tree does not grow large.


Koki’o - Clay’s Hibiscus


Ko’oloa ‘ula