Orange & Navel

Navel, Washington-Medium sized tree. Large and seedless fruit has a delicious, rich juicy flavor.

Navel, Lane Late-Fruit is ripe later in the season than Washington, during our Spring months. The fruit is delicious and juicy and seedless

Navel, Fisher- Navel, Cara Cara-Slightly pink skin, accompanied with a rich orange flesh. The interior is sweet with a relatively low acid content and few to no seeds.

Orange, Valencaia- Very productive. The fruit is delicious, seedless and make wonderful juice and are delicious fresh eating.

Orange, Moro Blood-Very prolific producer of juicy sweet seedless fruit. Because there is very little variation between our day and night temperatures, the red pigments are more subtle here in Hawaii.


Fern Tree


Acalypha ‘Firestorm’